Peniel Pentecostal Holiness Church
3239 Rosebud Road
Walnut Cove NC 27052
Pastor: Dr. Tim Nelson - Church Office 336-591-36112
A Place To Encounter God Face To Face. Gen. 32:3 A Word From The Pastor Archives
January 2022
January 2, 2022 |
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great
cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders
and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run
with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our
eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For
the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its
shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God"
(Heb 12;1-2) Let's face it, every day we are
faced with a myriad of distractions. All of them are
designed to get you to take your eyes off Jesus and what
matters most. Let this new year be the year you lock
in on what matters to God and his heart. After all
that is what matters most. So as we begin a New Year,
let us pray.
Prayer: "Lord, help me to fix my eyes on you.
There are so many distracting voices that clamor for my
attention. Help me to shut those out to focus on your
voice. Help me to make room for you and to make time
with you a top priority in my life. In your name I
pray. Amen."
Adapted From:
January 9, 2022 |
And when thou prayest.... 6 But thou, when thou
prayest... 7 But when ye pray 9 After this manner
therefore pray ye: Matthew 6:5-9
Tommy Barnett,
pastor and conference speaker said, "The presence of God in
the midst of a church is directly proportional to the amount
of prayer that takes place there." Jesus expects the
church to pray and corporate prayer is vital for the health
of a church.
When the church prays and the Spirit of God is
manifestly present, things happen. People hear the
Lord speak, the Holy Spirit gives direction, and people are
encouraged. That is what occurred at the church in
Antioch. "While they were worshiping the Lord and
fasting, the Holy Spirit said, 'Set apart for me Barnabas
and Saul for the work to which I have called them." (Acts
During a normal time of prayer and worship, the Holy
Spirit gave crucial direction that forever changed the world
- Saul (Paul) began his missionary work. Just as God
"showed up" in Acts 13, let us pray together as a
congregation, and believe and expect God to "show up" more
and more.
January 23, 2022 |
At the breaking of the seventh seal, John sees seven
special angels, each of whom is given a trumpet.
However, before any of the trumpets are sounded, John hears
"a silence in heaven" and sees a quiet vision of prayers
ascending to God from His saints, helped by the hand of
another angel. This silence is a sign that Christians
may enjoy some respite from suffering and tribulation, as
for example did the first Christians after they were
persecuted (Acts 9:31). However, in this world, no
respite is permanent, and we should be prepared for new
problems to arise. And how better to prepare for
suffering and trials than to pray? God does answer the
prayers of His children, some will be during our lifetime,
some after we are gone from this earth, and others will help
usher in the final consummation of God's plan for man and
His creation. Therefore, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!
January 30, 2022 |
Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
We have been challenged throughout the month of January to
pray - pray for the harvest, pray for healing (spiritual,
emotional, and physical), and pray for help to accomplish
God's plan and purpose in and through the body of Christ at
Peniel. The acronym for the word "push" challenges us
to continue to pray and to...
P - Pray
U - Until
S - Something
H - HappensWe must pray without ceasing.
(Pray continually) That means a constant communication with
God. We must not stop praying, because the answers
have not yet been received. May we truly pray until we
see something happen, by the hand of God through the people
of God for the sake of the advancement of the kingdom of
Word Index |