Peniel Pentecostal Holiness Church

3239 Rosebud Road Walnut Cove NC 27052
Pastor: Dr. Tim Nelson -  Church Office 336-591-36112
A Place To Encounter God Face To Face. Gen. 32:3

A Word From The Pastor Archives 2024
July 2024

September 1, 2024

"Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To those who are called..."  (Jude 1:1a)

The book of Jude is only 25 verses long and one of the smallest letters in the New Testament.  This brief letter is often referred to as "The Acts of the Apostates" because the main issue in this letter is apostasy, a falling away and departing from the truth.

Jude lived at a time where christianity was under attack politically from Rome.  Similar to Jude's day, the tide is now turning for us in the western world.  Our culture, government, and morals were founded on biblical principles and once the view of the majority.  Now we are the minority and the tide has turned.  Morality is weakened and the truth of scripture is under attack.  Many are being persecuted and ridiculed for their biblical view of truth.

What must we do?  Jude provides a very practical answer - "contend for the faith."


September 8, 2024

"Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you."  (Jude 1:2)

Jude knew that the Church of his day was facing difficult days, and would be comforted and encouraged, knowing that he was praying for multiplied mercy, peace, and love for them.  He also knew that giving them practical examples of how to live in these times, would be beneficial to them, and those around them.  (see Jude 20-21)

In his challenge to the Christians to contend earnestly for the faith, Jude's prayer and pleading to the Father was that multiplied blessings be bestowed on all those who are in Christ Jesus.  He asked that an overflowing abundance of mercy, peace, and love be showered on all who trust in Jesus.

This prayer for multiplied blessings of mercy, peace, and love is equally needed today.  Like Jude, we too should plead God's mercy on all His children, knowing that we also live in difficult and challenging times.  Let us unite to plead God's mercy and peace and love on all Who are in Christ Jesus.

Adapted from:

September 15, 2024



September 22, 2024




September 29, 2024




Word Index

Background image by  ~ Silver and Gold and Thee ~