Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is
abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to
the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his
harvest." Matthew 9:37-38
Jesus saw the needs and the hearts of the lost and lonely
people. He also knew how His Father chose to reach
these people. He tells the disciples how to be sure to
have enough workers to reach these people. By praying
to the God of the harvest, you ensure there are enough
Therefore we need to pray to the Lord of the harvest and
trust Him for the workers. If the Harvest is His, then
we need to go to Him and have Him bring in the workers.
He can move on a person's heart way more than we can
convince them. He sees the size of the harvest and
knows precisely the amount of workers needed, so go to Him.
As you go to the Lord and ask for the workers we need, trust
Him and also make yourself available to Him. You might
just be the answer to your own prayer. The harvest is
ready. Ask the Lord of the harvest for workers.
Adapted from:
"And as he entered a village, he was met by ten
lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices,
saying, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us." Luke
Jesus met a group of people on His way to Jerusalem.
They wanted Him to heal them of the dreaded disease,
leprosy. Why was leprosy so bad? In Jesus day,
there was no cure for leprosy. People who had leprosy
had to leave their family and friends and move away so no
one else would get sick. If people came near them,
they had to yell out, "unclean, unclean!" so that people
wouldn't get near them and get sick too.
So, what did Jesus do? He told them to show
themselves to the priest and on the way there, they were
healed. They obeyed, believing in Christ's mercy and
they were healed. One out of ten of the men healed
came back to Jesus to worship Him and thank Him.
Leprosy is a dreaded disease, but a greater disease is
the disease of sin. Sin is a lot like leprosy and just
as Jesus showed mercy to ten lepers, He has shown mercy to
whosoever will believe. He demonstrated this mercy
when he died on the cross to heal us from our sins.
When we experience His sin forgiving mercy, we should be
like the Samaritan, the one out of ten, and thank and
worship Jesus for what He's done.
Adapted from:
"Rejoice evermore. Pray without casing. In
everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ
Jesus concerning you."
Here's a verse that plainly states what God's will for
you is, in Christ Jesus. So how do we rejoice always?
We're to live 'one day at a time'. We're given enough
grace for this day to live for Him.
How do we pray without ceasing? As we go about our
day we can breathe our prayer to God. Committing our
thoughts to Him as we go. How do we give thanks in
everything? As we go through our day, continuing our
living conversation, we can be thanking Him in what we go
Our verse says, in everything not for everything.
We can thank Him for being with us in our situations, giving
us strength to meet our needs and grace to meet our
difficulties. We can give thanks in pain and in joy.
This is His will for us in Christ Jesus.
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