"Now the word of the Lord
came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying,"
Jonah 1:1
In some ways we
can think of Jonah's experience as a kind of
baptism. Jonah is a rebellious,
runaway prophet who needs to repent, seek
God again, and obey what he is called to do.
God called Jonah to preach a message of
repentance to the people of Nineveh.
But Jonah didn't want to. The people
of Nineveh were enemies of Israel, and Jonah
wanted them destroyed. So he boarded a
ship going the other way and tried to flee
from God.
But God "sent a great
wind on the sea, and such a violent storm
arose that the ship threatened to break up."
God created a storm and a
different pathway for Jonah.
sailors, who were terrified and cried out to
their pagan gods for help, showed more
respect for Jonah's God than Jonah did.
But at least Jonah admitted he had caused
the problem, and he told the sailors to
throw him overboard. When they finally
did that, "the raging sea grew calm."
Though Jonah was still trying to
escape, God still wanted to call Nineveh to
repent, so he sent "a huge fish" to
swallow Jonah. And after three days,
the monster fish vomited Jonah "onto dry
land." The sea should have meant
death for one of God's people (and many
others) but God rescued Jonah to share his
blessing and grace.
Lord, guide us not to run from you, whatever
you may call us to do. Forgive us, we
pray, and pull us back to follow your way
for us. Amen.
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